Milly Katana
Director, Senior Support Services
She has extensive experience working with government departments in the East African region, the rest of Africa and internationally. She previously directed the US Government supported project on “Expanding the role of Networks of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda.” This project worked to build the capacity of groups of People living with HIV through strengthening innovative community approaches that address HIV/AIDS prevention, care, support and treatment.
Formally, as a global advisor supporting the implementation of the UN Learning Strategy on HIV/AIDS both in the workplace and country programs, she pioneered the expanded implementation of the UN Personnel Policy on HIV/AIDS in Africa, South Asia, the Caribbean and Eastern Europe.
Besides being a co-chair of the community working group of the Microbicides Trails Network, Ms. Katana is a winner of the Society of AIDS in Africa (SAA) Award for outstanding AIDS work. Ms. Katana is also a founding board member of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria where she served as vice chair for the Monitoring, Evaluation Finance and Audit (MEFA) standing committee.