Projects with Modals

Health Systems Strengthening

Our people-centred approach ensures that those with whom we work are the drivers of progress and will lead their own way to optimal, equitable, and quality health systems.

Leadership and governance

Fostering Decentralized Healthcare Leadership

The Ugandan Constitution (1995) and the Local Governments Act (1997) empower district local governments to take the lead in shaping their healthcare systems. This includes planning, coordination, implementation, monitoring, support, supervision, and resource mobilization – all within their designated areas.

IDI’s regional Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) projects fully support this decentralized approach. In line with Ministry of Health and funder guidance, we provide targeted technical assistance to local governments.  This empowers them to fulfil their leadership roles in managing decentralized health services, as outlined in signed partnership framework agreements.

Through this collaborative approach, IDI’s HSS projects contribute to a more empowered and effective local healthcare system, ultimately improving health outcomes for the communities they serve.